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  3. Message from President

Message from President

Representative Director,President & CEO Koji Kabumoto

With the recent public tender for the Company’s shares by Marubeni Corporation and SECOM CO., LTD., the Arteria Group has transitioned from a listed company to a new management structure under these two shareholders that will propel our growth with even greater scale and speed.

The Group’s offerings include telecommunication infrastructure services such as leased circuits, VPNs, and internet access for corporations, as well as ISP services for condominiums. It is an extremely volatile and competitive operating environment, but I believe this shows how necessary these services are for society, and that with technological innovation, even greater future opportunities will emerge.

In line with the Group’s Mid-Term Plan, announced in 2021, we have grown steadily by optimizing and revamping our telecommunication services, which are our core business, developing new businesses centered on D2C services, and focusing on new growth fields, such as work style reform and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

To accurately grasp the environmental changes that we will face going forward, and accelerate our growth even further, our shareholders are now Marubeni, which was our top shareholder when we were listed, along with SECOM, which has strengths in data center and cloud connection services, as well as information security services.

The SECOM Group has set out a 2030 Vision, in which it aims to provide seamless peace of mind for anyone and everyone whenever and wherever necessary. This goal is in agreement with the ARTERIA Networks Group’s tagline, “connecting new abilities,” and by adding “peace of mind,” we have prepared an environment in which we can strive even harder to create new synergies.

Furthermore, the Company has also started considering optical fiber submarine cable operations and new telecommunications services in Japan and overseas. Under the new structure, we plan to make full use of support from both our shareholders, and aim to advance the company rapidly to an even higher stage.